Saturday, July 7, 2007

Saturday, 7-7-7

Kindra arrived home on Friday afternoon and will be driving back to New Orleans with Tyler on Sunday. Please pray for their safe travels. Tyler will return on Tuesday. Kindra will stay for another 5 weeks. She is very excited about the kids she is meeting and talking a lot about thier personalities, different lifestyles and the joy she sees in the lives that have lost all material items. She is being used by God to bring some happy memories to their childhoods. Building Better Communities continues to be greatful for having her commit her summer to them. Kyle will fly down and drive back with her in August. Lots of sibling time! It is about a 15 hour drive, pray for safety.

Rhonda had her surgery to remove a cyst under her arm, no cancer, no complications and recovering well. Hoping to be back to work next week. Thanks for all your prayers.